On November 13, 2008 Representatives Denny Coffman, Chris Lee and I were invited to talk story with Dan Boylan on his Island Insights program on PBS.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mahalo Nui Loa
I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the many family, friends and supporters who's tireless devotion made it possible to reach our goal during this campaign. With your help, I was able to take our message from house to house; from Puueo to Kapaau and to meet and greet thousands of our neighbors throughout the First House District.
During the campaign, many people shared their manao with me. I will cherish their words and wisdom and this will help to guide me as I do the people's work in the State House of Representatives. It is an honor to have been selected by the members of my community to be their voice in the fifty-one member of the House of Representatives.
This is an honor that I will not take lightly, nor carelessly discharge. In the days and months that come, the real work will need to be accomplished and the many ideas, hopes and dreams will need to be written into legislation for consideration by the legislature. I invite you to contact me at nakashima@hawaii.rr.com or telephone at 775-9170 if you have a concern to share and would like to be a part of this exciting process.
During the campaign, many people shared their manao with me. I will cherish their words and wisdom and this will help to guide me as I do the people's work in the State House of Representatives. It is an honor to have been selected by the members of my community to be their voice in the fifty-one member of the House of Representatives.
This is an honor that I will not take lightly, nor carelessly discharge. In the days and months that come, the real work will need to be accomplished and the many ideas, hopes and dreams will need to be written into legislation for consideration by the legislature. I invite you to contact me at nakashima@hawaii.rr.com or telephone at 775-9170 if you have a concern to share and would like to be a part of this exciting process.
Monday, October 27, 2008
North Hilo Community Association
Last night, I participated a candidate forum sponsored by the North Hilo Community Association at the Laupahoehoe High School band room. The forum provided attendees the opportunity to ask questions of myself and my republican opponent Steve Offenbaker. Topics covered included: Jobs and the Economy; Education; Health Care; and Con-Con.
Jobs and the Economy
Because of our desire to maintain the rural character of the First House District, it is incumbent on us to promote agricultural industries and diversified agriculture ventures. Toward this end I propose a change in public policy that would give preference to locally produced agricultural products by state departments and agencies creating a viable market for a sustained agricultural sector. I would also explore the opportunity to create a excise tax exemption for the purchase of locally grown agricultural produce.
The issue of industrial zoning existing near residential areas is a result of our rich plantation history in which worker camps were built in close proximity to the sugar mills. As these areas are seeing revitalization for the first time in decades, new industries such as bio-mass energy plants and timber processing ventures are moving into these industrial-zoned lands next to unsuspecting neighbors. It is critical that these industries work to be good neighbors with the residents of the area and work to alleviate fears and adequately address concerns if they are to garner necessary the goodwill to succeed.
The Department of Education is not responsive or accountable to the concerns of local school communities -- students, parents and teachers. I would propose to eliminate the statewide management of the schools replacing this with district superintendents in each county -- appointed by the Board of Education -- who are directly responsible and accountable for the schools under their direction. This would replace the currently system of political appointment of Complex Area Superintendents by the state superintendent.
I also propose empowering School Community Councils to allow them to hire and evaluate principals as well as provide community oversight of school budgeting and expenditure.
Health Care
The Legislature must address the concerns of the medical community with regard to medical liability and tort reform. Many doctors have identified this as the single greatest factor in opening or maintaining a practice in Hawaii.
We must pursue the release of funds to allow for the creating of a medical residency program through the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine to allow for a neighbor island setting in which doctors may begin their careers and begin a practice.
The issues of timeliness and adequacy of medical insurance reimbursements would seem to cut across both the public and private sector. As such, a legislative work group including representatives of the public and private sector, insurance providers, federal regulators and other stakeholders must be convened to address these problems and propose appropriate legislation to resolve them.
The voters will ultimately decide if a constitutional convention should be held. Once that is done, the legislature will have to determine the timeline and logistics for this to occur with delegates being selected no later than the general election in 2010. Any amendments to the constitution would then appear on the next general election ballot, most likely in 2012.
This covers the highlights of issues brought forward. Please let me know if there are other concerns you would like me to address.
Jobs and the Economy
Because of our desire to maintain the rural character of the First House District, it is incumbent on us to promote agricultural industries and diversified agriculture ventures. Toward this end I propose a change in public policy that would give preference to locally produced agricultural products by state departments and agencies creating a viable market for a sustained agricultural sector. I would also explore the opportunity to create a excise tax exemption for the purchase of locally grown agricultural produce.
The issue of industrial zoning existing near residential areas is a result of our rich plantation history in which worker camps were built in close proximity to the sugar mills. As these areas are seeing revitalization for the first time in decades, new industries such as bio-mass energy plants and timber processing ventures are moving into these industrial-zoned lands next to unsuspecting neighbors. It is critical that these industries work to be good neighbors with the residents of the area and work to alleviate fears and adequately address concerns if they are to garner necessary the goodwill to succeed.
The Department of Education is not responsive or accountable to the concerns of local school communities -- students, parents and teachers. I would propose to eliminate the statewide management of the schools replacing this with district superintendents in each county -- appointed by the Board of Education -- who are directly responsible and accountable for the schools under their direction. This would replace the currently system of political appointment of Complex Area Superintendents by the state superintendent.
I also propose empowering School Community Councils to allow them to hire and evaluate principals as well as provide community oversight of school budgeting and expenditure.
Health Care
The Legislature must address the concerns of the medical community with regard to medical liability and tort reform. Many doctors have identified this as the single greatest factor in opening or maintaining a practice in Hawaii.
We must pursue the release of funds to allow for the creating of a medical residency program through the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine to allow for a neighbor island setting in which doctors may begin their careers and begin a practice.
The issues of timeliness and adequacy of medical insurance reimbursements would seem to cut across both the public and private sector. As such, a legislative work group including representatives of the public and private sector, insurance providers, federal regulators and other stakeholders must be convened to address these problems and propose appropriate legislation to resolve them.
The voters will ultimately decide if a constitutional convention should be held. Once that is done, the legislature will have to determine the timeline and logistics for this to occur with delegates being selected no later than the general election in 2010. Any amendments to the constitution would then appear on the next general election ballot, most likely in 2012.
This covers the highlights of issues brought forward. Please let me know if there are other concerns you would like me to address.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
It Takes Teamwork I

Working for and with Representative Dwight Takamine for the last 20 years has been a wonderful learning experience. As a member of Dwight's legislative staff and on various committees and work groups that he has assembled over the years has provided great insight into the importance of community organizing and teamwork. I believe that working together in partnership in the House and Senate will bring synergy to our efforts for even greater benefits to the First District.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Honolulu Advertiser Endorsement

I am pleased to have been selected by the Honolulu Advertiser for their endorsement in House District 1 (Rural South Hilo, North Hilo, Hamakua, North Kohala).
"Nakashima proposes exploring ideas to encourage markets for local farmers, including eliminating the general excise tax for local agriculture. He wants more incentives for residents to use renewable energy sources and supports another look at tort reform in the Legislature as well as a task force to address the issue of physician reimbursements."
Follow the link below to see the whole story.
"Nakashima proposes exploring ideas to encourage markets for local farmers, including eliminating the general excise tax for local agriculture. He wants more incentives for residents to use renewable energy sources and supports another look at tort reform in the Legislature as well as a task force to address the issue of physician reimbursements."
Follow the link below to see the whole story.
Monday, October 6, 2008
NASW - PACE Endorsement
I am pleased to have received the endorsement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Hawaii Chapter. The decision to endorse my candidacy was based on my commitment to the well-being of individuals, families and communities. The criteria included among others:
1) My support for NASW issues (eg. Changes to adult protection law, establishing asset building policies, and establishing a self-sufficiency standard); and
2) My position on other key issues in health and human services (eg. Funding for the health and human services safety net, universal health insurance, sustainability)
Toward these ends, I am very concerned about the many end of life issues that the elderly and families must face in caring for their loved-ones. With out the proper planning, long-term care of the elderly can have devastating impact on families and a live-time of savings and prosperity.
I also believe that in tough economic times, resources must be maintained or increased in the area of health and human services to insure that programs are in place to address the increased hardship on our most vulnerable populations.
1) My support for NASW issues (eg. Changes to adult protection law, establishing asset building policies, and establishing a self-sufficiency standard); and
2) My position on other key issues in health and human services (eg. Funding for the health and human services safety net, universal health insurance, sustainability)
Toward these ends, I am very concerned about the many end of life issues that the elderly and families must face in caring for their loved-ones. With out the proper planning, long-term care of the elderly can have devastating impact on families and a live-time of savings and prosperity.
I also believe that in tough economic times, resources must be maintained or increased in the area of health and human services to insure that programs are in place to address the increased hardship on our most vulnerable populations.
Monday, September 8, 2008
SHOPO Endorsement

I am pleased to have received the recommendation of the State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers (SHOPO).
SHOPO is an independent Police Union, and the exclusive representative of all police officers in the State of Hawaii , up to and including the rank of lieutenant. SHOPO's primary goal is to vigorously lobby and negotiate with the respective State and County Administration in attaining the best working conditions and benefits, to provide for, and to improve the quality of life for our members and their families.
SHOPO is an independent Police Union, and the exclusive representative of all police officers in the State of Hawaii , up to and including the rank of lieutenant. SHOPO's primary goal is to vigorously lobby and negotiate with the respective State and County Administration in attaining the best working conditions and benefits, to provide for, and to improve the quality of life for our members and their families.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Honoka'a Business Association Forum
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tectococcus ovatus: Biological Control Agent Proposed for Release against Strawberry Guava

I am concerned that the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service has been researching the possibility of releasing the Brazilian scale insect (Tectococcus ovatus) prior to June, 2005 and this fact has not been a matter of education to the general citizenry until very recently.
Of even greater concern is the failure of the Hawai'i Department of Agriculture to bring a policy issue such as this to the attention of the Hawaii Legislature for deliberative consideration and legislative over site of this program.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Please Veto HB 2972

I have drafted a letter to Governor Lingle asking that she veto HB 2972 that seeks to establish a facilities alignment commission to develop criteria that will be used in the formulation of a list to evaluate the use of school facilities to be consolidated or closed.
I do not believe that it is necessarily wrong to focus on eliminating government duplication or to close unnecessary facilities, however this bill as it has emerged from the House Senate Conference Committee would seemingly select only seven complexes state wide for consideration, of which three of those listed -- Hilo, Laupahoehoe and Honoka'a are all concentrated in the first house district. I believe that it is bad policy to prescribe and focus the efforts of a commission so as to pre-determine the desired outcome without a fair weighing of all of the facts and figures statewide.
I believe that this bill will emerge once again from the legislature and if elected, I will work with my colleagues to craft a bill that is sensitive to the needs of the First House District and will propose that schools will need to be at least 5 miles from any neighboring DOE school in order to be considered for closure.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
28th Annual JCI Hawaii Recognition Dinner

Mr. Roland Casamina, a past LOM President of the Great Oahu Filipino Jaycees and
President/CEO and owner of House of Finance in Honolulu is the 2008 Honoree this evening. This recognition by the Hawaii Senate Oldtimers is a celebration of the organization and those who have contributed to their communities through their work in other organizations and individually.
As 1981 Chapter President of the Oahu Filipino Jaycees, Roland guided the creation of the Miss Sapangita Pageant which became a signature project of the Oahu Filipino Jaycees and served as a source of enrichment and pride in the local Filipino community. Roland’s community efforts continue till today as he has been instrumental in raising over $14.5 million to realize the development and construction of the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu, Hawaii. Roland now serves as President Emeritus for life as Founder of the center that opened in 2002. For his work, the center’s ballroom is named in his honor.
Roland is married to his wife Evelyn who also works in the family business. They have four children Matthew (Yuka), Clarice, Chanel, and Celine. Matthew and his wife Yuka also made Roland a proud grandpa with baby Kenshin Masaru Casamina who will be turning one shortly after honoring grandpa.

As 1981 Chapter President of the Oahu Filipino Jaycees, Roland guided the creation of the Miss Sapangita Pageant which became a signature project of the Oahu Filipino Jaycees and served as a source of enrichment and pride in the local Filipino community. Roland’s community efforts continue till today as he has been instrumental in raising over $14.5 million to realize the development and construction of the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu, Hawaii. Roland now serves as President Emeritus for life as Founder of the center that opened in 2002. For his work, the center’s ballroom is named in his honor.
Roland is married to his wife Evelyn who also works in the family business. They have four children Matthew (Yuka), Clarice, Chanel, and Celine. Matthew and his wife Yuka also made Roland a proud grandpa with baby Kenshin Masaru Casamina who will be turning one shortly after honoring grandpa.
Friday, April 18, 2008
C-17 Testimony

The C-17 training route over the Big Island for which a Environmental Impact Statement is being developed highlights the need for greater public notice and education by our government. While the Air Force has argued that currently training flights have been unrestricted and have involved a large area of the Big Island, I personally have not seen them. I believe that the public has a right to know exactly what impacts these proposals would have and to "see for ourselves" exactly what it is we are talking about before we are required to make a decision regarding it's pros and cons.
I commend the Hawaii County Council for taking the lead in preserving the health and safety of our Big Island communities.
I commend the Hawaii County Council for taking the lead in preserving the health and safety of our Big Island communities.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Introduction and Resume

I believe that an important part of being a legislator is ensuring that the laws and policies that are enacted not only create opportunities for the people of Hawaii but also preserve the lifestyle and aina that we have all come to love and cherish.
I would like to work with you to ensure a brighter future. Together, with the residents of the various communities throughout the first district, I will endeavor to work toward the fulfillment of community projects and goals.
With my future colleagues in the legislature I will work to enact policies that increase our quality of life and leave this place better than I found it.
Having been born and raised on the Big Island, I have developed a long perspective what makes the Big Island -- the Big Island. As a life-long resident, I am committed to the preservation of our rural lifestyle and country values. As your representative, my first priority is to be accessible to you. Please call me at 775-9170 or email me at nakashima08@hawaii.rr.com.
With these thoughts in mind, I humbly ask for your precious vote in the upcoming election.
With my future colleagues in the legislature I will work to enact policies that increase our quality of life and leave this place better than I found it.
Having been born and raised on the Big Island, I have developed a long perspective what makes the Big Island -- the Big Island. As a life-long resident, I am committed to the preservation of our rural lifestyle and country values. As your representative, my first priority is to be accessible to you. Please call me at 775-9170 or email me at nakashima08@hawaii.rr.com.
With these thoughts in mind, I humbly ask for your precious vote in the upcoming election.
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